Update: I gave a talk based on this post at the November 2013 San Francisco Python meetup! Here are the slides and a video of the talk.

Today, I found myself in a situation where I had a few different classes inheriting from each other, e.g.:

```python Inheritance structure class A(object): def foo(self): pass

class B(A): pass

class C(B): pass

Specifically, each of these classes was a test class that I was
running using `nose` -- `B` and `C` had different `setup` methods than
`A`, but otherwise ran the same test. However, `nosetests -v` doesn't
print out the name of the method's class, only the docstring, which is
of course the same for all three classes. This made it very difficult
to tell which method was actually failing.

To resolve this, I wrote a
to intercept each class at creation time and rewrite its docstrings to
be prefixed with the name of the class. This was probabily overkill,
but I'd been itching to play around with metaclasses for a while and
decided this was a semi-valid excuse.

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Here's the code:

<script src="https://gist.github.com/5410601.js?file=rewrite_docstrings.py"> </script>

And here's an example of it working its magic:

```python Magic docstring rewriting!
class A(object):
    __metaclass__ = RewriteDocstringMeta

    def foo(self):
        """Do some stuff."""

class B(A):
    __metaclass__ = RewriteDocstringMeta

class C(B):
    __metaclass__ = RewriteDocstringMeta

print A.foo.__doc__ # prints 'A: Do some stuff.'
print B.foo.__doc__ # prints 'B: Do some stuff.'
print C.foo.__doc__ # prints 'C: Do some stuff.'

How does this work?

The __new__ method is called before the class itself is created. name is the name of the future class (e.g. A), parents are the parent classes, and attrs is a dictionary of attributes for the class.

First (lines 32–43), we rewrite the docstrings for the functions given in attrs. This is straightforward enough. However, this isn’t actually sufficient to rewrite the docstrings for inherited methods, which is what my goal ultimately was. This is because inherited methods still belong to the class they are inherited from – the difference is that when called, the self contains the instance of the child class rather than the parent class.

So, to rewrite the docstrings for all methods (even inherited ones), we need to actually make a copy of the parent methods and update the docstring of the copy (lines 45–72).

This took me a while to figure out, because I was under the mistaken impression that when the type metaclass transformed a function into an unbound method of a class, it was actually creating a copy of that function which could then be modified. This is not the case. The unbound method is more like a read-only wrapper around the function.

In fact, due to the way Python’s inheritance works, if A has a method foo that is not overridden by B or C, neither B nor C will actually have an unbound foo method. When a lookup is performed on the attribute foo, Python checks the hierarchy of scopes that B or C reside in until it finds foo (which is in the A scope).

Even if you override this and explicitly create an unbound method for B or C (but using the same original function), it will not matter – if you change the docstring for the function, it changes it for all classes that inherit it, and you cannot change the unbound method because it is read-only. Thus, it is necessary to actually copy the function (how very un-Pythonic…) and then change the docstring of the copy.


I don’t think I could have done this by implementing the __new__ methods of the classes themselves (rather than creating a metaclass) either, because bound instance methods – just like unbound class methods – have read-only docstrings. I almost certainly could have tweaked nose to find a better way to print out my test cases, but I thought this was an interesting problem that deserved consideration independent of the context it is being used in.

Have any of you played with docstrings and metaclasses much? Is there a more elegant way to do this, that I missed? Or is this, in fact, one of the rare times when it legitimately is appropriate to use a metaclass?